With my boat finally fixed and water tested, there was nothing else to do but GO FISHING! So off to the river for a 4-day trip. It was the first time my boat has been on the river since Nov '09.
Fishing was pretty tough. Didn't start catching anything until late afternoon, but I did hook into one citation to close the day out:
38.8# - 39":
I woke up super early to a steady rain. I might have been the first boat on the river. I made my way through the fog to get bait. I made the mistake of putting my entire 100' gill net out, even though it was collecting shad as soon as I began letting it into the water. I ended up having to pull the entire net aboard to keep it from collecting more shad, and spent the better part of the next hour picking all the shad out of it.
I fished between 895 and Windmill Point, hitting alot of good spots in-between. All I had to show for my efforts was one 18# fish. It was cold, wet, and otherwise miserable out there...and that is only multiplied when you're not catching anything.
Sunday was a completely different day. I slept in Sunday and made no rush to get on the water. In fact, I didn't have my first line in the water until almost noon. The days where you're not too set on sticking to a strict schedule and just go with the flow are the days I seem to do better. I boated a citation blue at the first spot, and missed another due to my line snapping from an apparent abrasion. (*I discarded the Hi-Seas Quattro camo line after this trip, it doesn't have the strength of other lines) Moved downriver a little and boated two more citation sized fish. At the last spot of the day, as evening was beginning to settle in, I caught a nice fish to end what turned out to be a great day.
53.9# - 44":
38.7# - 39.5":
37.6# - 39":
37.4# - 39.5":
This was a day that took a turn for the better rather quickly. I had fished most of the day with only a 17# to show for it. I was trying deep, shallow, channels, flats, pits...nothing seemed to be working. It was nearing the end of the day, and on a whim I pulled up to a spot on the way back to the ramp. About 10 minutes later, my Ugly Stik Tiger Lite slams down and drag is peeling off my Abu 6500 TCCF. What a great fight, the lighter gear held up well and gave me more confidence in it. I get the fish into the boat and onto the scales, and it turns out to be the second largest fish I've ever caught.
64.1# - 44":

Look at the mouth on this fat S.O.B.!
What a great footnote to a great trip. It was nice to get away from it all, forget about my worries, and just do some fishing for a change. The boat ran great the entire time, bait was easy to gather every morning, and just enough fish cooperated to make some lasting memories. I'm sitting here writing this and already planning my next trip!