Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Can I get a HO?

Went out aboard Mike Avery's "Seaduction" with a crew of HO's, looking to score a little offshore action.  We mixed up the deep dropping and trolling throughout the day.  Our deep drops produced some nice sized blueline tilefish and black sea bass, and trolling produced decent sized dolphin.  We found a nice weedline from which we bailed dolphin left and right.  Bailer dolphin are like the bluegills of the ocean.  They are a blast to catch and when you find them, you can catch alot!  Good crew and good action!  A great way to use a vacation day from work!

You can see we had plenty of meat to go around!  The tilefish were wonderful, and I'll eat one over a dolphin any day:

This is the weedline we trolled and later bailed dolphin from.  They act as structure in open expanses of water and are known to hold alot of fish.  The weedline was alot longer than could fit in the picture:


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