Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Early Bird Got the Worm

I got on the water around midnight and my two citations came before 7 am.  Once the weather warmed up, the bite turned off and all I got was sunburned.  I got bait first in DB, and it was so-so.  I kept the gill net with me and set it downriver later in the day and bait was very plentiful.  I swear there was a boat every 50 yards on the river.  It was crazy out there.  I decided to quit fishing early afternoon due to the heat, the crowds, and the wind picking up.  There was a line of boats waiting to launch and load at Deep Bottom, reminded me of Dutch Gap on a holiday weekend.  Everybody and their cousin was out fishing.  Even some of the out of the way spots had party boats in there hanging out and playing music and carrying on, destroying any peace and quiet. 

43.4# - 42":

36.6# - 40.5":

My first Bowfin, it went 6.3#:

Gill net early season Hickory Shad.  I heard a school of fish splashing just prior to me setting my net.  I'm betting it was Hickories and this little guy got separated from the pack:

I never waved at so many people yesterday and not had my wave returned.  To all you fair weather fishermen with no manners, I hope you got skunked and sunburned!

Final tally for the day:  43.4#-42", 36.6#-40.5", 25#, 20#, 20#, 5#, 6.3# Bowfin


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