Sunday, February 21, 2010

Woof, Woof!!!

I fished aboard the Seaduction again with Mike and crew.  I wish I had a better report, but I gotta report the DOG trips with the good ones.  We literally caught over 100 Dog Sharks that day.  I did catch a citation blueline tilefish, but we only had two total for the boat.  This was one of the few times I'd gone offshore and not come back with a full fish box.

We fished from 60' to over 1000' (thank God for the electric reel!), different bottom types, wrecks, etc...  The pic below pretty much sums up our day.

Quad Dogs!

I still had a great time.  Being offshore is just as gratifying to me as being on the river catfishing.  So I'm grateful for the opportunity to be out there to enjoy the beauty of the ocean and get some fishing in too!


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