Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cookout Tourney - 3 for 3!

James (Muzkrat) and I entered the latest ODCC Cookout Tournament.  We came away with the victory, with a boat total of 97.24# on 4 fish.

We got bait really easy at DB on two sets of the gill net, netting 7 shad and zero catfish on each set!  We then made the run downriver below the Benjamin Harrison.  It was a windy night, and when we made the turn at Presquille it got choppy as hell, but we kept on.  Setup on the channel edge down there and rode waves for an hour and a half with no bites.  We debated over heading back upriver or finding a spot out of the wind where we were at, and we decided to stay downriver. 

The wind was from the South, so any spot along the South bank was calm enough to fish.  We got three of our fish there, and moved upriver before daybreak and boated our last fish.

37.24#, big fish of the night:



 9.64# dink - eat your heart out Darian!:

What a perfect day to be out fishing!

Thanks to James for inviting me aboard to fish with you!  I wonder how long before one of the homeowners calls the cops on us? ;-)  Don't ever forget that bucket!

Final tally for the night:
Josh - 26.7#, 9.6#
James - 37.2#, 23.6#


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