Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring All-Nighter - V2

So I was sitting around at work early in the week and realized I had a boat tank full of gas, gas left in the truck, and drinks and snacks all leftover from the prior week.  That could only mean one thing....TIME TO GO FISHING AGAIN!  Got approved for Friday off, so I headed to the river as soon as I got out of work Thursday evening.

The night started out rough though with my gill net getting wrapped in my prop so badly that I had no choice but to start cutting away at it.  I then lost my filet knife overboard shortly after, and had to resort to cutting bait with my little pocket knife all night.

I had the river all to myself again (love it), and caught a total of five fish and capped it with this brute at 330 AM on an incoming tide:



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