Ice be Damned!
Got a call from the M.I.A. Ralph (B8itup) to join him and his buddy Greg on a trip to the river. To hell with the cold and wind, we wanted to do some fishing! Aside from busting ice on the river and generally freezing our tails off, we had a damn good day. We notched 10 citation fish, including three in the 50's. We also hooked up on a couple doubles.
Ralph's 56#:
Greg's P.B. 56#!:
Ralph's 49#:
Double Hookup: 52.5# for myself, 44.8# for Greg:
Another Double: 44.5# for Ralph, 34.7# for Greg:
The bite completely died at noon. The morning bite was probably the best 3 hours fishing I've ever been a part of. A companion boat notched 11 citations with the biggest 60#. Saw no other boats all day. Contrary to what you might think about a day as cold as this one, all the fish came off a shallow mud flat in less than 10' of water. Just something to think about.
Final tally for the day: 491#
Ralph - 56#, 49#, 44.5#, 5#
Greg - 56#, 44.8#, 34.7#, 30.5#, 15#, 15#, 4#
Josh - 52#, 39.5#, 30.2#, 15#
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